5th OMAN PLAST 2018
5th OMAN PLAST 2018 got a footfall of more than 3,000 is being visited from various countries viz. Bahrain, Checkrepublic, China, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Iran Iraq, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, UK, Yemen. Out of this 45% visitors are from Oman and the balance 55% from other countries.
We are glad to hear from various exhibitors that there were brisks business deals took place in 5th OMAN PLAST 2018.
The name of the countries who have participated in 5th OMAN PLAST 2018 is China, Egypt, France, India, Italy, Iran, Oman, Taiwan, Turkey & UAE. We are expecting more than 15 countries to participate in our 6th OMAN PLAST 2019.